What first helped me start living the life I want: “An Attitude of Gratitude”.

  I have lived entirely too much of my life focused on everything I didn't have; comparing myself to others; dwelling on things that didn't go how I planned , playing my past like a CD on repeat. daily in my head. I was giving all my energy and focus into things I thought would …

Finding the Miracles in the Mess: Reflecting back on the lessons I’ve learned as the New Year begins.

Hello and I hope your 2018 is off to a great start. If your social media sites are anything like mine, every year we see people setting New Years Resolutions and then you'll see some people claiming how bogus it is to set a "resolution" and 'expect your life to change overnight'. While I can …

Maybe we are all a little bit crazy… and that’s okay.   

I often wonder if anyone else thinks consistently about the stigma of Mental Health Illnesses like I do. My heart breaks when I read about all the teenagers committing suicide whose stories turn viral as they circulate on Facebook or when media sites post the latest statistics on drug overdoses, especially when they are so …