My Most Recent Battle with Mental Health…

What in the world is Akathisia? Yeah, I said the same thing when I called my psychiatrist after experiencing severe suicidal thoughts and hallucinations from Latuda. I decided to put together a quick video explaining how I got back on medications for Bipolar, what my experience was like and explain what Akathisia is. Check out …

Check-In With Your Heart (7 Day Challenge)

Social Media is filled with influencers. Fitness, Self-Love, Motivational influencers that post all types of motivation for us throughout the day. I've signed up for several of these self-love challenges before and they definitely taught me a lot. But I've had a hard time finding people that can come together to talk about their Mental …

Social Media Can Filter Only A Small Part of Motherhood

Only on social media can I create the illusion that these precious boys are such well-behaved Angels 100% of the time. These pictures capture the beauty of childhood.  The truth is that only filters or the right angle of a picture will cover up my messy sheet on the bed, the pile of laundry in the corner …